Cognitive Decline: What to do?

Hello Everyone, 
I see patients daily who have a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s or are noticing memory changes themselves and wondering what can be done to stave off a devastating cognitive decline.  I use a combination of diet and lifestyle interventions which are well supported in the scientific literature in addition to Dr. Dale Bredesen’s protocol.  The author of “The End of Alzheimer’s Program”, Dr. Bredesen recommends laboratory testing for factors such as nutrient deficiencies, blood sugar control, inflammation, heavy metal toxicity and hormone levels and includes specific dietary supplements, primarily for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities.  These interventions can help those who already show signs of dementia although I find that it is best to start early, before you lose your capacity to care for yourself.  Diet and lifestyle changes can be challenging enough when you are feeling well but may be impossible to implement when cognition is significantly impaired.  If this is something that you are concerned about, schedule an appointment with me to discuss what can be done to keep your brain healthy!

Just a reminder:  The office will be closed from July 2nd to the 10th.  We will re-open at 9 am on July 11th.  Athena and I will both be out of the office.  Please let us know right away if you would like to see me before then or if you need to refill any supplements, tinctures or homeopathic remedies. As always, you may schedule appointments and refill most supplements via my website as well.  

I hope you are having a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you!